Science Task

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‘Do chocolate and ice melt in the same way?’ This was the question we explored in our Science task. This was exciting task to do as we worked in pairs with ice and chocolate! Before we started we predicted which would melt first and why. While we carried out the experiment, we observed and recorded the results. We drew and labelled scientific diagrams showing solids changing to liquid. Finally we explained our results.
In fact the ice melted much faster than the chocolate and we could clearly see how the heat was moving from the air and concrete into the ice and chocolate causing them to melt.


Science – Matter

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Properties of a solid.

This week we investigated how matter can change state. Water can be a solid, liquid or a gas. We investigated how chocolate can change from a solid to a liquid by adding heat.

First we used our senses to observe the properties of the chocolate as a solid. It was brown, solid, smooth and hard. Next we held the piece of chocolate in our hands. After a few minutes, the chocolate was still brown, but it was now runny and slippery and it changed shape. The heat had transferred from our hand to the chocolate and melted it. It was now a liquid.

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